Rômulo Drumond

Machine Learning Engineer, Machine Learning Researcher Engineer

"Don't forget to think about people, in the end, it is all about them."

Hi there! I’m currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer, but this wasn’t always my job title. I have worked as a Data Engineer and as a Data Scientist since my objective is to explore the whole pipeline of data products. To get to know more about my career trajectory, you can find me on LinkedIn!

People who get to know me personally know that I am a nerd who can spend hours in front of the computer but know the importance of being sociable, that there is a time to listen and to be heard and that explicit is usually better than implicit. I always try to work hard but above all work smart. My past attempts to open businesses have shown me that direction is usually more important than speed in the many facets of life.

Some areas of interest:

  • Machine Learning;
  • Optimization;
  • Automation;
  • Parallel computing;
  • Big compute (rather than big data)